We offer a variety of services within our company and take pride in our diversity. We strive to excel in the industry. Earthwork projects include:
  • Boring and Tunneling
  • Street Excavation
  • ​Clearing and Grubbing
Concrete services include:
  • Curb and Gutter
  • Street Construction
  • Sidewalks
  • Manhole Installation
  • Concrete structures

Our Work Speaks for Itself

There’s nothing more important than safety and quality, so we assess every project as if it was our own. This commitment to our excellence has resulted in a list of very satisfied clients. We’d love to add your name to it.

At Your Service

Qro Mex Construction Co., Inc. is a leading Texas contractor in the underground utility industry.  With safety in mind we provide the highest quality services to our clients.  Our large inventory of heavy equipment and professional crews allow us to provide unparalleled quality to our customers from small to large projects. We excel in the workforce with our mission being our priority. 

Honesty - Integrity - Safety- Service

Our priority is the customer and quality. Our mission is to live our core values listed above.

We strive to be authentic and to build trust with our customers. We want to create conditions for our people to succeed and purposefully include diverse perspectives for superior results that innovate and innovate the future of infrastructure.  

Water and Wastewater
We specialize in utility construction. We take pride in having a great reputation for exceeding the expectations of our clients and vendors.
Water and Waste Water services include:
  • Main Water Line Distribution
  • Pump Stations
  • Emergency Water & Wastewater Repairs
  • Sanitary Sewer Collection Construction
  • Manhole Rehabilitation
  • ​Lift Stations
  • ​Fiberglass Sanitary Sewer Construction